Dennis A. Bailer
Overdose Prevention Program Director at Project Weber/RENEW (PWR) and Co-Director of nation’s first state sanctioned Overdose Prevention Center
Dennis A. Bailer is a person in long term recovery from substance use disorder. He is the Overdose Prevention Program Director at Project Weber/RENEW (PWR) and Co-Director of nation’s first state sanctioned Overdose Prevention Center. PWR is Rhode Island’s largest Peer Based Harm Reduction and Recovery support organization, leading harm reduction efforts in Rhode Island. Dennis has been with the organization for 10 years. As a Peer Recovery Specialist, Certified Community Health Worker, R.I. State Certified HIV/HepC Test Counselor, and a Naloxone/Narcan Train the Trainer Specialist. Dennis can utilize his lived experience and knowledge to connect with and advocate for members of our community whose voices often go unheard. Dennis is also founding Co-chair of the Racial Equity Working Group which is one of nine working groups advising Governor McKee’s Overdose Prevention and Treatment Task Force. He has also been appointed to sit on numerous committees including the Governor’s Council on Behavioral Health and Rhode Island’s Opioid Settlement Advisory Committee.