About the Public Health Summit 2025
RIPHA, in partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Health, RIPHA is hosting its 3rd Public Health Summit, titled "Innovative Approaches to Advance Public Health: A Call to Collective Action".
This conference is open to anyone interested in health equity and public health. It welcomes a diverse audience, including public health professionals, community members, community Health Workers, community organizations, patients, healthcare providers, faith-based organizations, health plans, health centers, public health officials, researchers, and students.
Join us on April 28, 2025, for RIPHA’s third annual Public Health Summit. Our primary goal is to provide an engaging opportunity for focused dialog on Health Equity and improving Community Health. Let's come together to make a difference!

Registration and breakfast
Keynote Dr. Michael Curry
President & CEO of the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers (The Mass League)
Health In All Policies: How Local Leaders Do It
Morning Breakout Sessions
Integrating Health Equity into Primary Care Transformation: Addressing Alcohol Use Disorder Through Collaborative Innovation
How Pioneering Community Leaders in Rhode Island are Developing Successful and Innovative Harm Reduction Services
Improving referral pathways and information sharing for CHWs and direct service providers
Building a Sustainable and Robust Community Health Worker Workforce
Lunch/Visiting Vendors/ Students & CHWs Poster Session "Public Health; The Future is Now
1st. Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Centering the Voices of BIPOC and PWUD in Research Generation, Methodology, and Dissemination
Advancing Public Health Through Mobile Integrated Health and Community Paramedicine
Rhode Island Maternal Health Taskforce
Prevention is priceless: Connecting heart health and diabetes
2nd Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Best Practices for Community Engaged Research
Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention in Rhode Island
Exploring Partnerships and the Impact of Community Engaged Health Models
Facilitated Networking
Closing Panel: “Driving Collective Action: Health Equity Zone (HEZ) Statewide Governance"